Postcard from Nancy & Peter

Mount Hood National Forest

Mount Hood, OR
August 2001

Dear Jake & Amelia,
We drove through the Mount Hood National Forest, catching hazy glimpses of the majestic old volcano. We turned onto a smaller road that wound through tall firs, half way up the mountain to the Timberline Lodge. The weather was warm and sunny but skiers clanked down the road in their boots. They had been on the Palmer snowfield. The rest of us were in shirt sleeves.

Mount Hood was pretty but tough. Pale, cold gray facets of  sharply edged rock rose up to the peak. Snow fields cascaded down the mountain. In the parking lot we met two hikers packing piles of gear, including ice axes and helmets, into backpacks. They were planning on camping above the square snowfield and attempting to summit the following day.  Their greatest danger would come from rocks falling on them as the sun warmed the snow. They told us that you can't underestimate the mountain. 

Nancy & Peter

Mount Hood

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