Postcard from Nancy & Peter

The Kinzua Bridge

Kinzua Bridge, PA
September 2001

Dear Jake & Amelia,
We stopped in northern Pennsylvania to see the Kinzua Viaduct. The foliage was just starting to turn. Maples showed a touch of red, a little bit of orange at their tips, a stroke of color on a green canvas. The bridge was built for the Erie Railroad in 1882, a few years before the Eiffel Tower. The iron and wood structure, 2,053 feet long and 301 feet high, was the highest railroad bridge in the world at that time. In 1900, it was reconstructed in steel to carry heavier trains. The 100-year-old rusty wonder, once the embodiment of the power and strength of the industrial age, sat quietly in a green valley. We could imaging the ground shaking as powerful steam engines pulled heavy loads of coal and lumber across the valley. The contrast was striking. 

Nancy & Peter


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